Anti-Racist: a person who opposes racism and promotes racial tolerance.
Bias: favoring or showing prejudice towards certain people or ideas.
BIPOC: Black, Indigenous and People of Color.
Cultural Appropriation: inappropriately and/or incorrectly using or taking advantage of, or claiming ownership and rights to use another culture's capital and patrimony; such as fashion, trends, iconography, traditional art, ceremonies, etc.
False Narrative: a story that you perceive as being true but has little basis in reality, this perception can be due to insufficient or inaccurate information or to insufficient or inaccurate assessment.
NBIPOC: Non-Black Indigenous People of Color
Person of color: a person who is not white or of European parentage.
Stereotype: a category or group that we put people into (thinking a certain type of person or thing acts/thinks/looks a certain way).