Miniature Billboards: Art as SOcial Commentary


Paula Liz

Grade Level:

Elementary and Middle



Objective: Artists will learn how art can act as social commentary as they create their own miniature billboard.

Part One: Introduction and Brainstorming

For the first portion artists will answer the following guiding questions:

  1. Is there an issue in your community you wish you could change? What is it and why do you want to change it?

  2. Is there an issue in the world you wish you could change? What is it and why do you want to change it?

  3. Choose one of the above issues as the inspiration for your billboard design:
    a) Write a sentence describing your opinion on this issue.
    b) What images can you use to depict this issue?

Artists will then use images and text to sketch a billboard design that represents their unique perspective on their chosen issue.

Part Two: Creating and Presenting

During the second portion, artists will construct a miniature billboard using the template provided. Artists can draw, paint, or collage their designs. The final step is to cut and fold the paper to create a miniature billboard!

Download this lesson plan, presentation, worksheet, and billboard template on TpT:

Artists & Inspiration

Barbara Kruger

Ron English

Ron English