
Article: How to avoid a biased curriculum
Article: An open letter to art educators on constructing an anti-racist agenda
Article: How do children of color learn to draw themselves?
Article: How black art can spark conversation with children
Article: Supporting Equity
Vision & Justice:
A Civic Curriculum
Article: Black Art Teachers Matter
NAEA: National Task Force on Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion
Color Lines: A Chicago art class challenges the racist assumptions behind the color wheel.
Chris Buck Flips The Script On Race And Power Dynamics
Using Color Theory to Deconstruct Race
The Antiracist Classroom
Social Justice and Art: Black + White = Gray
Dismantling a Master Narrative: Using Culturally Responsive Pedagogy to Teach the History of Art Education
Art History* The history of art and art history in the making.
Deconstructing Disney in the Elementary Art Classroom
Boys Will Be Boys? Exploring Gender Stereotypes and Biases in the Art Room
Arts Education And Racial Equity: A Call To Action
Essay: Decolonizing Art History by Catherine Grant & Dorothy Price
Racial Justice through Art By Barbara Place
Changing Practice: Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy in Art Education by Melanie L. Buffington & Amanda Bryant
Arts for Change: Teaching Outside the Frame by Beverly Naidus
Decentering Whiteness in Design History
The Art of Ed: The Black Student Truth: A Series to Share Student Voice
Rarely Viewed Basquiat Exposes Timely Exploration Of Racial Identity, Activism, And Police Brutality
Blanton Museum of Art: Race and Social Justice in Art
Teach Your Students to Use Art as a Tool for Social Advocacy by Lee Ten Hoeve
We Need New Institutions, Not New Art by Coco Fusco


Justseeds: network of artists committed to social, environmental, and political engagement.
Resource: Anti Racist & Culturally Responsive Teaching- Lori Santos
Anti-Racist Curriculum Resources From Columbia Museum of Art
Rebecca Potts: Anti-Racist Resources for Teaching Art
Teacher Guides:
Arte Latino
Creative Resources + Initiatives in Support of Black Lives Matter
Anit-Racist Art - David Andeson
Anti-Racist Art Presentation by David Anderson
Anti-Racist Art - Presentation NOTES - David Anderson
Anti-Racist Art Presentation NOTES by David Anderson

Multicultural Education

Multicultural Perspectives Journal
Multicultural Perspectives Journal: Critical Race Theory, Multicultural Education, and the Hidden Curriculum of Hegemony by Michelle Jay
“Critical Multiculturalism” By Graduate Students at the Ohio State University
The National Association for Multicultural Education "What is the potential of multiculturalism in art?"

Curriculum Scorecard

Culturally Responsive Visual Arts Curriculum Scorecard
Culturally Responsive VIsual Arts Curriculum Scorecard Adapted by NYU Steinhardt's Culturally Responsive Curriculum Scorecard
NYU Steinhardt's Culturally Responsive Curriculum Scorecard
cullturally responsive art score card.representation.pdf
CR Scorecard for Visual Arts: Focus on Representation created by the Baltimore County Office of Visual Arts, Department of Academics